Uterine Endometrial Ablation Procedure in Englewood and Edgewater, NJ

As a leader in minimally invasive surgical techniques, Dr. Yitzhack Asulin of Englewood, New Jersey is an excellent choice for women seeking relief from their heavy menstrual cycles with a uterine endometrial ablation procedure.

About the Uterine Endometrial Ablation Procedure

Uterine endometrial ablation is the process of removing the thin layer of tissue from the internal cavity of the uterus. The goal of this minimally invasive procedure is to reduce or completely stop menstrual flow for women.

Endometrial ablation may be right for you if:

  • You suffer from abnormally heavy periods
  • You experience bleeding that lasts longer than 8 days
  • You develop anemia from excessive blood loss

By inserting slender tools through the passageway between your vagina and uterus, your surgeon is able to complete the procedure without the need for an incision of any sort.

Depending on a number of factors such as the size and condition of your uterus, your doctor will recommend the best method for the procedure. These varying methods include electrosurgery, extreme cold (cryoablation), heated fluids, heated balloon, microwave energy or high-energy radiofrequencies. The procedure can typically be done in the comfort of your own doctor’s office, however, in some cases, it may need to be done in an operating room.

Expected Recovery after Uterine Endometrial Ablation

After the uterine endometrial ablation procedure, you may experience cramping (similar to menstrual cramping) and abnormal vaginal discharge in color (blood may be present) and consistency (watery discharge). Other side effects include nausea and the need to urinate more frequently.

The downtime from this minimally invasive procedure is relatively short as most women are able to get back into their daily routine within several days.

Benefits of Uterine Endometrial Ablation

Most women who undergo endometrial ablation experience lighter periods or stop having their period altogether. If you wish to no longer have a period, a hysterectomy may be a better choice as stopping menstruation is not a guaranteed outcome of endometrial ablation.

Uterine Endometrial Ablation Risks

Although the procedure typically results in infertility, endometrial ablation is not a form of sterilization and it is recommended that you still use contraception. If you plan on getting pregnant in the future, endometrial ablation may not be right for you as it will most likely result in a high-risk pregnancy. Chances of miscarriage are increased due to the thin or damaged lining of the uterus that is removed during the procedure.

If you’ve tried hormone therapy and other medicine to decrease the amount of blood loss during menstruation and have yet to see satisfying results, your doctor may recommend uterine endometrial ablation.

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