Intrauterine Devices (IUD) in Englewood, NJ

Dr. Asulin is a board-certified gynecologist with extensive experience advising on birth control options and performing IUD procedures. If you are considering an IUD, call (201) 308-5591 to request an appointment at our gynecology office in Englewood today.

What Is an IUD?

An intrauterine device is a small plastic T-shaped device inserted into the uterus to prevent pregnancy. An IUD is slightly larger than a quarter and fits inside your uterus. This method of contraception is a popular option for women as they are long lasting, easily reversible, safe, and over 99% effective in preventing pregnancy. 

How Does an IUD Work? 

There are two types of IUDs, copper and hormonal depending on your preference. They each work a little differently. 

  • The copper IUD triggers your immune system to prevent pregnancy and lasts the longest of IUDs without hormones.  
  • For hormonal IUDs, the device releases the same type of hormone found in many birth control pills to prevent pregnancy. It does this by thickening the mucus in the cervix to stop sperm and thins the lining of the uterus to prevent fertilization of an egg.

How Effective Are IUDs?

An IUD is a highly effective form of birth control. In fact, both copper and hormonal IUDs are more than 99% effective at preventing pregnancy.

It’s important to note IUDs do not prevent sexually transmitted infections.

How Is an IUD Inserted and Removed?

An IUD is inserted by your doctor in the office and will only take a few minutes. During the procedure, you may experience side effects like discomfort, cramping, or dizziness.

Dr. Asulin may recommend an over-the-counter painkiller before the procedure, or use a local anesthetic during the procedure to ease pain. The T-shaped IUD is left in the uterus, leaving two small strings outside the cervix for removal.

A follow-up appointment may be scheduled after the procedure to be sure the IUD is still in place. Your doctor will show you how to check that the IUD is still in the correct position and tell you how often you should check the placement.

Your IUD will be removed when it has reached its expiration date, if you are experiencing a medical problem, or if you plan to become pregnant. It can be removed during a short procedure at our office. Your gynecologist will gently pull on the IUDs strings to pull the IUD through the cervix and out of the vagina.

How to Prepare for IUD Insertion 

You can get most IUDs at any point in your menstrual cycle, although having one inserted during your period might provide greater comfort since your cervix is more open during this time. 

Prior to your visit to the doctor’s office, consume a light meal or snack to prevent feeling lightheaded, and be sure to stay hydrated by drinking water. It will be necessary for you to provide a urine sample to enable your doctor to confirm that you are not pregnant.

Consider consulting your doctor about the advisability of taking a pain reliever such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen a few hours before your appointment. This precaution may help reduce the likelihood of experiencing cramps during the procedure.

What to Expect After IUD Insertion 

After the procedure, you can go back to your regular daily routines, but please refrain from inserting anything, such as tampons or menstrual cups, or engaging in vaginal intercourse for a minimum of 24 hours after the procedure. Additionally, it’s advisable to avoid taking baths and swimming during this time.

It’s typical to experience mild uterine cramping following the procedure, and these mild cramps may persist for as long as 3-6 months. To alleviate any discomfort, consider taking an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen or acetaminophen. Additionally, applying a heating pad or hot water bottle to your abdomen can provide relief. If you encounter severe cramping, don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Asulin promptly.

Irregular bleeding or spotting is a common occurrence during the initial months, with some individuals experiencing it for up to 6 months post-procedure. This issue should gradually improve with time. However, if you experience excessive bleeding or if the situation does not improve, reach out to your doctor.

In the first three months following IUD placement, it’s essential to conduct a monthly check to ensure you can still feel the string extending from your cervix. To locate the string, wash your hands and insert a finger into your vagina. The firm area at the top is your cervix, and the string should protrude approximately 1-2 inches from it.

If you notice that the string feels unusually shorter or longer, it could indicate a potential movement of your IUD. In such a case, contact your doctor and consider using a condom or another backup method of birth control to prevent pregnancy.

What Are the Types of IUDs?

During a contraception counseling appointment with Dr. Asulin, your doctor can talk with you to help determine the right IUD for you. This decision can be based on your age, lifestyle, menstruation, desire to get pregnant in the future, and other factors.

The two types of IUDs are copper and hormonal.

Copper IUD

A copper IUD prevents fertilization by making the uterus and fallopian tubes produce fluid containing copper that is toxic to sperm.

A copper IUD is the most effective form of emergency contraception (EC) meaning it can prevent pregnancy if inserted within five days after unprotected sex.


Paragard is the only copper IUD, and it can prevent pregnancy for up to 10 years. It works by interfering with sperm movement, egg fertilization, and may prevent implantation. Paragard is hormone free and can be used whether or not you have had a child.

Learn more about Paragard

Hormonal IUDs

A hormonal IUD prevents fertilization by making the mucus in the cervix thick and sticky so sperm can’t get through to the uterus, as well as keeping the lining of the uterus too thin for a fertilized egg to implant.


Mirena is a hormonal IUD that prevents pregnancy for up to 8 years and can also treat heavy periods. It inhibits sperm from reaching and fertilizing an egg, thins the uterine lining, and thickens cervical mucus to prevent sperm from entering the uterus. Mirena is recommended for women who have had at least one child.

Learn more about Mirena


Skyla is a hormonal IUD made by the same company as Mirena, but this IUD is smaller. It may be less likely to be expelled in women who have never had a baby because of its smaller size. Skyla can be used for up to 3 years to prevent pregnancy.

Learn more about Skyla


Kyleena is a hormonal IUD that can prevent pregnancy for up to 5 years. Kyleena releases the lowest dose of hormones for the longest amount of time, compared to other IUDs. It can be used by women whether they have given birth or not.

Learn more about Kyleena


Liletta is a hormonal IUD that is effective in preventing pregnancy for up to 8 years and women can use it regardless of if they have given birth.

Learn more about Liletta

What Are the Benefits of an IUD?

  • Effectiveness – IUDs are among the most effective birth control methods available.
  • Longevity – Your IUD can last for 3 to 10 years, depending on the type.
  • Convenience – No pre-sex prep or reminders necessary.
  • Cost effective – IUDs can be a bit costly upfront, but there are no costs beyond that for several years.
  • Reversible –  If you want to get pregnant, have it removed, and you can start trying right away. It can also be inserted immediately after giving birth.
  • Easier periods – Many people experience lighter periods and an improvement in cramps.
  • Works with medications or lifestyles – You don’t need to modify your lifestyle for an IUD. They are safe to use if you are breastfeeding or taking medication.

What Are the Risks of an IUD?

If you are worried about getting an IUD, talk to your doctor. With any medical device there are benefits and risks. We can help ease your concerns and find a solution that is right for you.

Some potential side effects of an IUD may include:

  • Spotting or frequent bleeding at first
  • Potential infection
  • IUD moving to the wrong place or coming out
  • Possible cramping or discomfort at first

Most of these side effects are uncommon. Sometimes your body just needs to get used to the device at first and then the following years you shouldn’t have issues. Contact Dr. Asulin if you are experiencing any side effects and have concerns. Millions of women choose an IUD for their long-term birth control.

Contact Us Today

If you are interested in learning more about IUDs and other forms of birth control, contact Dr. Asulin at (201) 308-5591 to schedule a contraception consultation in Englewood.


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